Welcome to Self-Paced Virtual Instructional Program!

Open House for VIP will be held on July 22nd from 6PM to 8 PM and again on July 24th from 12PM to 2 PM for anyone not able to attend on the 22nd.


The Zoom Link will be sent out via School Messenger to registered families.
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Greetings Newton County Schools Parents and Guardians,

Newton County Schools offers a self-paced virtual program for students in grades 3-12. 

The Virtual Instruction Program (VIP) utilizes the Edgenuity platform as our learning management system.  It houses the courses that students will complete while enrolled at VIP.  

Students are expected to work independently without live instruction.

VIP uses current Newton County teachers to serve as facilitators to your student's learning.  They work part-time after school hours to support your child and their progress.

VIP accepts students twice a year.  For more information regarding that process, check the Applying to VIP webpage from the menu bar above or click here.

We welcome you to take a moment to explore our website, especially our Commitment for Success and Frequently Asked Questions Pages.

Best regards,

Tony Trimaldi

VIP Coordinator